Saturday, October 26, 2013

What is the best gaming PC i could make under $1200?

best gaming pc lifehacker on Video Games' Five Most Romantic Couples | Kotaku Australia
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I am deciding to buy a new gaming PC under 1200 dollars. So what is the best one I can make from or if there is a better option please tell :)


Enjoy, and I will bet anything you will expose it by running a free AV.

How should i distribute 600 to 700 dollars to build a gaming/normal stuff(haha) computer?


I Want to build a computer that can play most games fluently, such as minecraft, civilization, maybe battlefield, grand theft auto, etc. But the thing I dont know too much about computers haha. Also I usually run servers, like on minecraft, but i dont know what's the part that affects that the most. Which parts the most important? The Processor, circuitboard, graphics card, and about how much ram should i need?

You run mc servers, but don't know how to build a computer??? *jakie chan moment* ok well... Here, before you go off and do whatever, try this, it's where I learned what Ik about PCs:
This article taught me the basics of PC hardware, and it's actually fun when you understand! Also, I'd recommend that if you want to build your own computer, or if you have one but want to upgrade it, go to PC part picker (it's a website) and click on "system build". That will take you to a list of places where you can put together your computer from scratch. But seriously, read the article first, even if it's just like the first or second page, then go build it. PC part picked does have a compatibility checker, but if you just go and get some random parts, chances are you won't be happy with what you get. Oh and do take the time to research your parts, it's worth it if you know exactly what your looking at. Final note, I'm not a professional, but if you need some help with your project, you can contact me on my email at and I will happily help you out.

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Title Post: What is the best gaming PC i could make under $1200?
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