Monday, October 21, 2013

If I want to play a pc game, does the cd have to be inside the disk drive?

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If i got a pc game (say diablo 3 or fallout new vegas), would i have to have the games cd in the drive every time i want to play it?

for Diablo III a digital version was announcesd:

so you might not need CD at all!!

What are some retail games that have a Steam premium activation code?

Andrew Heo

I want to get premium for my Steam account. Since I don't have a credit card, basically my only choice is to buy a PC game from a retail store and get an activation code from it. The question is: which games have them? My parents won't allow M rated (and T, depending on the game) games, because they don't want me to be those teens on the news that killed people, and that the main factor was caused by violent video games. Thanks in advance.

I have railworks 2 (now updated to 3 for free) and that gave me premium account using the key in my game case

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Title Post: If I want to play a pc game, does the cd have to be inside the disk drive?
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