Saturday, October 26, 2013

What is a good lap top for games like Sims that is under 600 dollars?

best gaming pc under 600 dollars on gaming pc under 600
best gaming pc under 600 dollars image


I had a great lap top before, until I tried putting Sims on it... I really want to find a new one that can handle games that use a lot of memory... I am also interested in putting things like iTunes and Adobe on it, PLEASE HELP!

Well. Any laptop with the right space will play Sims.

Now, You will have to put iTunes and Adobe on it yourself. Sometimes they come with Adobe on it as mine did.

I have looked on some websites and here's what I have...

First of all, Here is an option that Dell provide, it's Personalize your laptop....

Check out "" and "PC World"

what gaming computer should i get for 500-600 dollars?


Okay so I am a thirteen year old kid who has saved up six hundred dollars to buy a gaming computer... The only question I have is, what computer should I get that runs at least 60-70 fps in skyrim and battlefield 3 for under 600 dollars? Any ideas?

I'd get this:

It'll do what you want.

Those people who are saying you're out of your mind are idiots. Battlefield 3 can be run easily on a $600 pc if the graphics are all turned down to low.

Building a pc would probably let you run the game on medium settings, or save you a hundred. I built my PC for $1100 to run it on ultra, and I'm 16. Just watch tutorial videos, like the How to Build a Computer series on Newegg's youtube channel.

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Title Post: What is a good lap top for games like Sims that is under 600 dollars?
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