Monday, October 14, 2013

How can I increaase the affection in my relationship?

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My husband and I have been together 5 yrs. We have never had sex more than once a week, but lately it has decreased to once a month. I keep trying to talk to him about why he isnt interested in sex with me, but he does not give me any answer other than he will when he is ready. He will not give me the "real" reason there is no intimacy in our lives we were having a great deal of problems in 2012 and nearly separated but all the sudden our sex life has just stopped. he will kiss me before he leaves for work every morning, the texts me to tell me he made it. then on lunch break he will text me to see how my work day is going and then when we get home we barely talk. It is so weird and it is weighing on me. before christmas he said he was leaving after the holidays. Now when I asked what his plans are, he says "we're good". He has been home at night and weekends for 3 weekends straight. no time with the guys so I dont think he is cheating, but I dont understand what is going on. I keep trying to talk about it but I am getting nothing in return. What do I do now? Do I let it go and see what happens or what? I am starting to feel really ugly, disgusting, and unwanted. its an awful feeling. I told him I dont care how much it may hurt my feelings I just want to know why he doesnt want sex so I can understand. and again no response. Please give me suggestions please. I am getting very depressed even the girls at work have asked if I am ok

I can't tell if the sex issue came as a consequence of the way your marriage works...or if the desire from his side is simply not there. I am not a sexual person's not because I don't love my boyfriend, my body just doesn't feel the need to have sex.

While I agree that communication is extremly important ... it is something that women are good at, not they might not like the ideea of being pressed constantly to talk and give speeches about how they feel like. I did this with my boyfriend (just like your husband he seemed very cold sometimes but he was home with me all the time when we weren't at work so I'm sure he wasn't cheating on me) and he was very irritated by the fact that I am complaining about "things not working" because from his point of view we "were good" :).
He asked me "what more do I want from him because he is giving me everything he has...he never leaves anywhere without me, he is home every night, he doesn't spend money with friends/alcohol/women, etc..."...and this question really striked me because I felt he is right.

Men are monotasking, for ex my bf loves playing games on the pc and he could stay there for hours without saying a word to me and without realizing it; he doesn't do it to piss me off, he simply gets very involved in what he does; same with the tv..if it's turned on he remains petrified in front of him no matter what it's on (commercials,movies) and enters in a trance mode:)

Women are more sensitive,sentimentals... and even though we both end up losing the emotions given by kisses/love nights/etc...they usually lose it faster than us..but it's not something they can control, it simply happens; this doesn't mean you should end your relationship;
I accepted that and now I go with the flow and things started to be very bright for us.

He doesn't feel any pressure from my side anymore and I feel much more relaxed now that I stopped thinking each time he starts doing something that he ignores me on purpose because he doesn't love me.

I am not saying that I am right in your case, i tried to explain a POSSIBLE reason;

And if you have time for this and you don't already know it , the differences between us and them are presented here in a funny and cute way.

Which 2012 RPG for Xbox 360 should I buy?


So a local video game store has a 2 for 1 deal on used games on I'm definitely looking to bag a few quality RPGs I can delve some serious hours into. I know for a fact I want Borderlands 2, because I loved the first game. The second game I'm looking at is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Any other suggestions?

Mass Effect 3 -
Mass Effect is a very heavy story game. You get to really step into the shoes of Commander Shepard and make choices that can lead to the deaths of your team mates. It was a good game but, only worth playing for the story if you played mass effect 1 and 2. If you haven't I'd still recommend them, you can find them cheap.

Kingdoms of Amalur -
A surprisingly fun RPG. I didn't have high hopes for this game. A new company, new title. But, I loved this game. I know a lot of people say it's an "ok game" but, I loved it. The combat is fluent and easy, and, the quick time death sequences of bosses is very fun. Speaking of bosses, the last boss fight is awesome. The only problem I found with the game was that it is extremely easy.

These were my top 2 RPGs of 2012 for 360. Other great RPGs for PC are Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3( my least favorite RPG of 2012 but still fun)

I would get Kingdoms of Amalur if you haven't played Mass Effect 1 and 2. If you have you should play Mass effect 3

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Title Post: How can I increaase the affection in my relationship?
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