Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to stop laptop overheating when playing games?

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elloo. So my problem is that when i play games like dishonored and NFSMW (2012) my computer overheats. Now I have solved this problem by simply putting a fan beside my computer but that extremely inconvinient during winter. I defragged my PC.
Here are my specs.
8GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce 540M
Intel i5 2410M @ 2.3GHZ
Dat enuff infomation?

Nice laptop.

You may already know this, but I definitely wouldn't play with it on your lap because that can cause damage to your legs over time, plus since yours is overheating I imagine you probably play on a desk or something most of the time anyway.

Try taking something like a small paperback book or something to prop up your laptop with so that the hottest parts of it aren't touching the desk. This increased surface area being exposed to the air will help cooling fairly significantly, especially if your fan happens to blow out of the bottom. And, if you ever have a fan blowing on it, it will stay especially cool when the bottom is exposed.

If that doesn't work you could always buy one of those external fan things. It basically fits to the bottom of your laptop and keep it off the desk so the bottom is exposed, and it has little built in fans that help blow even more heat out.

Hope that helps.

How do i fix Sims 3 from not responding?


I have Sims3 on and HP laptop with windows 7. i have a few expansions and mods. every time i try to load my world l, half way through it stops responding and closes. It started when i updated the game ealier today. (10/29/2012) there was a big update. now i cant play. i was guessing that it was and outdated mod. but i downloaded Delphy's Sims 3 Dashboard tool and it says everything is fine. can someone help me please.

It sounds like you may need to check your memory since updating the game. Make sure you have space needed for the game to load worlds & sims correctly. See EA's game spec requirements here:

See if maybe your're running low on memory on your laptop. I recently upgraded the PC all of my expansion and stuff packs are on and all of the glitches, load delays, and game lags are now gone. I would have issues with saving my game as well on the old PC but now I do not.

Before the upgrade I would search the internet relentlessly for why I was having so many issues with my game. It was totally frustrating but upgrading my PC has eliminated all game glitches of any kind. I have 1 TB of hard drive space, and 8 gb of RAM currently installed. My prior system only had 2 GB of memory/RAM.

However, with mods that are outdated since a recent game update, it may also be something causing a glitch of some sort. I manually go through mods that I recently added to my mods/packages folder and one by one try to find the culprit.

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