Monday, October 14, 2013

How do i use an xbox 360 controller to play pc games just plug it in?

best gaming pc nz on Ultimate Gaming Pc Setup
best gaming pc nz image

Malcom X c

Do i need software or do i just plug it in grab a game it supports and play?


that should help.

What laptops are good for gaming and are cheap?


I need to buy a laptop that is good for gaming. My limit is about $1000 to $2000 NZ dollars.
Would it be able to play games such as Dayz, or BF3?


just get a desktop

what ever you do don't buy laptops that are already made for you

build your own PC

i've answered this question already so here : desktop;_ylt=AutrLKvVD5HrH_f2xY4W3kfty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130228191324AAgzKBa

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Title Post: How do i use an xbox 360 controller to play pc games just plug it in?
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