Friday, October 18, 2013

What's the difference between a gaming PC and a powerful Home PC?

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Apart from the fact that the Gaming PC has a better graphics card and perhaps a skin or a colourful case of the tower.

They seem the same to me.
@1st- Couldn't they be used for both? They have the same tech specs.
@wuzzi- So it's just the graphics card like I said? If they both had the same graphics card, wouldn't it be the same?

Powerful Home PC is a general usage powerful pc with a fast processor and large ran as well as a good graphics card that is as far as it goes.
But Gaming PC is a special hardcore gamer oriented PC with Powerful components to run all games at high resolutions as well as may contain special gaming mouse and keyboard ( programmable like Lachesis) and a specific fixes for gaming even vinyls foe gaming enthusiasts thus relatively expensive

What are some good and reliable online stores to buy a gaming pc from?

Andrew A

I want a decent gaming PC but don't know where to buy from. The retailer should have good prices also.

Thanx for any help

You can build a Gaming PC for about 1200 , parts from

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Title Post: What's the difference between a gaming PC and a powerful Home PC?
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