Friday, December 20, 2013

is it cheaper to build a gaming pc or just to buy one?

best gaming pc in the market on Choosing the Best CPU for Your Gaming Computer
best gaming pc in the market image


I can't afford a top of the line gaming pc, however, i keep reading comments that it is cheaper to build a gaming pc than it is to buy it already made. would it be possible to build a gaming pc that can handle great graphics at around the 500-600 dollar area. I want to use my pc to play system emulators as well as be able to play current games at good speeds. Please any help will be appreciated.

I just so happen to have a nephew (age 14) that has been trying to answer the same question. If i were to try to build a gaming system with the amount of money you have, one sure way is to visit the compute flea markets. You can usually snap up some pretty good bargains. I would never try to buy any gaming computer new. Unless you're willing to spend triple what you have budgeted, you'll most likely be quite disappointed.

What are the qualities nessecary to be a pc game designer?


I am 13 year old boy hoping for a future in the pc games market, can anyone give me a path to follow?if there is are there any free progams that can be dowload from off the internet free?

Start working with a Mod Tool, such as the Source engine for HL2 or the UT editors. You need to learn the dynamics of level design, script writing (programming), and how to use the propritory editors. Then you can goto school for game design after you finish high school (I recommend Vancouver Film School, they have a 1 year intensive course in game design). When you graduate from VFS (or another school) you should have made a video game that you can then show as a demo reel, and send it out to companies that you want to work for. I suggest applying for a company that makes games that you like to play, because it will be more enjoyable for you to design said games.

The Source Engine is free if you buy any of the HL series games, as is the UT editor.

Some others you can use are the Oblivion Level editor, Morrowind Level Editor, Neverwinter Nights Editor, Battlefield 2 Editor... etc. Find a game you like and see if you can get an editor for it. Learn it. There's a big modding community out there that you can get support from and websites dedicated to this stuff.

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Title Post: is it cheaper to build a gaming pc or just to buy one?
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