Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How much would disc replay pay for a few used nintendo wii games?

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I now have an xbox 360, ps3, and gaming pc, and don't ever use my wii, so how much would disc replay be willing to pay for about 5-10 used games?

$2 a game. At most $5. Your looking at about $10-$30 for all your games.

Should I buy a gaming pc in parts or all at once?


I'm trying to build a gaming PC that's around $1400.00. I'm on a tight budget so i was thinking i could buy it in parts. This would allow me to splurge a little on better parts. Problem is the return policy is only good for 30 days so if something's broken, I've just got a bunch of expensive paper weights lying around. This is my first time doing this and I'm curious as to how it's normally done. Any suggestions?

$1400 isn't a "tight" budget for a gaming PC. In fact, I would consider a budget over $1k quite roomy. A common midrange build goes for around $750. The tightest budget gaming build I ever worked on was ~$500.

So with $1400, buy it all at once. There is absolutely no reason to do otherwise.

Here's a ~$1200 build:

Note that there's enough extra budget space to a combo of any of the following:
>SSD, Bigger case, higher end motherboard, water cooling, more RAM, bigger HDD, or better GPU (though the GTX 670 is already the second fastest single-GPU card on the market).

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Title Post: How much would disc replay pay for a few used nintendo wii games?
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