Saturday, October 5, 2013

How does this custom gaming pc build sound to you?

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Hello, so next week I am going to buy parts for my gaming pc build and I was wondering if this is a good setup. I will be running games such as Battlefield 3, Black ops 2, Skyrim, GTA4, Far Cry 3 and Starcraft 2.

Case: Corsair 300r
Motherboard: MSI Z77A GD45 gaming editon
CPU: Intel i7 3770 LGA 1155
RAM: Corsair Vengence 8gb(2x4)
HDD: Western Digital 500gb 7200RPM
PSU: Corsair TX750
GPU: NVIDA Geforce GTX 760 ti 2gb.

Honest opinions please. Thanks.

Its a very good pc but if you are ready to spend so much why not add an 128 gb ssd along side that hard drive for faster loading and a much faster boot.

What do you think of my Gaming PC build?


What do you think of my strictly gaming pc build? Here are the specs.

HAF 912
ECS H61H2-M2
Seasonic S12II 620 620w
G.Skill 8gb 1333 Value Series
CD/DVD Burner
Windows 7

How well will it perform? Will it max out modern games? Keep in mind this system is strictly for gaming. Thanks!

You're in good shape, but for running games on max detail I'd recommend upgrading to a Core i5 2400 or 2500. There's almost no difference between the Core i5 2500 and Core i7 2600 in games, so paying more for the i7 isn't worth it for gaming. And for playing on HIGH settings, the Core i3 2120 is fine. But when you push to ultra settings in really intense titles, the CPU starts to play a bigger role. Basically in the scenarios where you'd take full advantage of a GTX 570, you'll want a bit more CPU horsepower behind it.

If your budget is tight, go with 4gb of RAM and a Core i5 2300 or 2320. At ultra settings it would pay off. Maybe consider the 448 core GTX 560 Ti classified edition instead of the GTX 570. That would save enough to upgrade your CPU. The 448 core model is really a lower-end GTX 570, based upon the same GPU.,3082-4.html

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Title Post: How does this custom gaming pc build sound to you?
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Author: Unknown

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