Sunday, July 7, 2013

What's the problem with using controllers to play pc games?

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People are making a big deal out of it on the internet and I don't know why. Is it becuase the controller offers a possible aiming advantage? I personally find gaming alot easier with the controller, it's easier on my wrists. Also, why get a 360 or ps3 when a relatively new gaming pc gets better graphics? It just doesn't make any sense.

1) Controllers are actually at a DISadvantage, once you got the mouse figured out. In fact, the latest Saitek mouse actually has a "sniper" button that temporarily reduces the sensitivity so you can snipe better (and bazillion other buttons). Try THAT on a controller!

Controllers are essentially "lower common denominator" human interface. It is a LIMITING factor, not a capability.

2) Consoles are virtually painless to setup. Plug it in, and it will work. PC's crash, have compatibility problems, and cost a lot more if you want a decent machine. A PS3 loaded or a similar XB360 is like what? $500 USD? A decent gaming machine WITHOUT monitor is like $1000 USD. More if you want the good peripherals like the G-15 keyboard, the G6 mouse, and so on.

It makes sense, if you consider the OTHER factors.

Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II days
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

What parts should I replace on my Gaming PC?


What parts should I replace on my Gaming PC?
My PC can still play up to date games, but I feel that it's falling behind a bit since I used to be able to play games on their very highest graphical setting. Since a new generation of consoles is coming out, I can only assume that graphics will take a big leap forward. So I ask, what parts on my PC should I replace to keep it up to date with the highest graphic games? My specks are:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz

RAM: 8.00GB

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series


OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium.

-I only intend to play games, not record, video edit or photo edit, just games.
-My budget is about 400 dollars but I'm willing to spend more if necessary.

Your all hardware is uptodate for todays gen games.!!!!
but u can change u r gpu to nividia gt series!!!
or a i7 sandy bridge will do good, instead fr a high end graphic card.!!!!

1) This guys english sucks. miserably.

2) Unless your doing active rendering, than your CPU is fine.

3) Nvidia cards are horrendous unless you only play FPS games(The way the rendering occurs).

4) Id suggest either:
A) getting gaming peripherals(Mice, keyboards, etc - id suggest RAZER)
B) Getting another graphics card(6850 or 6870 depending on what you have) and set them up in a CROSSFIRE configuration.
C) Add Screens for AMD HydraVision.
D) Add Disk Drives if you know what your doing.

^ or a mix of the above.

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Title Post: What's the problem with using controllers to play pc games?
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