Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Basic hardware and software requirements for a gaming PC?

best gaming pc ever 2011 on Tips for Optimal Performance on PCs
best gaming pc ever 2011 image


Well, I am doing my first ever custom built gaming PC. Need to know the basic requirements for building one, and I am not much of a computer nerd, so it would be nice if you could keep the computer talk to a minimum, if you get my drift. There is no real budget, as long as each individual item stays under 200$. I already have a few computer cases as options, so no need to worry about that, unless thee is a real need to worry.
In a nutshell, just some basic requirements for a great gaming PC, like hard drive, etc.

wonderful! gaming pcs are the pinnacle of technology today! well, if you have the pocket room for it. many people say "It must be an alienware, and must cost over $3000." Anybody who says that, is probably a troll who doesnt have anything to do with their spare time. i looked up on youtube and googled around for a couple days, and figured out how to do it. in simplest terms "plug the plug, into the plug where it fits." There are a few parts that make a computer run, the motherboard, the processor, the RAM, the graphics card, the hard drive (or ssd if you want it amazingly fast) power supply, case, and cpu cooler (i will explain this)... cpus do a bunch of stuff. so the processor (cpu) gets hot. very, very, very hot. and without a cooler, they would overheat, die, short circuit, possibly burst into flames. but the cooler, which can be air cooling or liquid cooling stops that. most processors come with a cpu cooler. (unless you're buying refurbished or lga 2011) which the stock ones do fine..... but, arent that awesome... have fun building, and it seems like rocket science, but it really isnt

Good games for a five year old boy to download and play offline?

Some Idiot

I need some new pc games for my little five year old brother... I made a topic just like this a little while ago but I need more replies. the pc is a few years old and not THAT great so.

The following have already been suggested so dont even go there:
Angry Birds
Football Manager 2011
Rise of Nations
Sims theme park

Btw he loves stuff like Plants Vs Zombies.

spore he can make his monster how ever he wants lots of parts to chose from than the monster goes through 5 evolutaion stages while defending the group plant and galaxy

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