Thursday, July 11, 2013

Is it possible to build/buy a good gaming pc under 500$?

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Ulises M

I have aksed this question before and people say that to have a good gaming computer you need like 1000$ but I was thinking how can you buy a ps3 that runs games really smooth and good graphics for 300$ but not a pc under 500$

It is most certainly possible to build a gaming PC with a budget of $500, but you'd need to have a few things before you get started. Well, one major thing actually: a PC that has a dual-core processor with at least 2.5GHz processing speed. The reason for this CPU speed is that most games will ask for something along the lines of 2.2GHz or higher (games released from 2005-present).

Then all you'd need to do is purchase a new graphics card, a new power supply to make sure the graphics card doesn't die out on your for lack of power, and I'd also recommend you increase the amount of RAM on the PC. RAM will be limited by the motherboard and operating system you have. A 32-bit OS will support up to 4GB while a 64-bit OS can take advantage of more. Be sure that the new RAM sticks you get are of the same frequency as the ones you'll be replacing, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches if you take this precaution.

My recommendation for the new graphics card would be something like this: or better if you can afford it. To provide the power for this new sucker and the rest of the PC you'll need a new power supply, something along the lines of this:

The RAM upgrade will the most economic of all upgrades, keep in mind that you can choose whatever brand you want but know that Kingston comes really highly recommended. With these upgrades you should be able to run some of the newer games at decent, but not ultra, settings.

Hope it helps.

Where can I get a gaming pc for under £500?


Where are the best places to buy cheap gaming pcs? Preferably under £500 but I will go slightly over that.

At such a low price, you're looking at either upgrading a low-cost starting computer, or getting something used from Ebay.

Keep in mind a decent graphics card costs at least £80... Windows 7 is £70 by itself.

For example, this is pretty good but doesn't include a copy of Windows in the base price:

Here's a decent starting unit:

And here's a GREAT starting unit:

Add this to either of those computers, and you'd have a nice budget gaming rig:

Higher-end graphics cards than the Radeon HD 7750 would require upgrading the factory power supply, which increases your cost.

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