Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What should be a few necessities for a gaming pc?

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I am thinking of buying a gaming pc. I am willing to spend up to around 1000 dollars(or more if necessary) I want it to play games like minecraft or call of duty. I want something so I can play if no lag. Or even record... I dont know much about computers do I don't know what I should be looking for in a computer. If i could get a link to a great one to buy it would be nice. Or even a list of things to look for. Thanks!
Also where should i buy it?

Processor: Intel Core i5 2500K or AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition.

Hard Drive: 500GB or 1TB

RAM: DDR3 4GB would be sufficient but 8GB wouldn't hurt.

Graphic Card: GTX 560 Ti or the GTX 570 would do.

PSU (Power Supply Unit): 700W or 650W. (PSU is needed to power up the graphic card.)

Gaming Cabinet: Any cabinet would do, but a gaming cabinet has a pretty better built in cooling system. iBall's 'Thunder Bolt' cabinet is pretty sweet.

Mother Board: If your going to get the AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition, then get the ASUS M5A88M. If going for the Intel Core i5 2500K, then get the ASUS P8H 67-MLX.

You'll need a sound card and a pair of speakers.


A Monitor. I recommend Dell monitors.

A mouse and a keyboard.

Is it possible to build a gaming pc for under a grand?


Is it possible to build a gaming pc for under a grand? This computer will be used from graphic design/multimedia (flash video creation, photoshop, etc.) It will also be playing games such as WoW, Portal 2, and maybe even Crysis 2. Any recommendation on how this could be done would be greatly appreciated. If you believe the system I'm looking for will cost over 1,000 please explain why. And thank you!

Yes, It is, IF you choose the right spec and build it your self. And If by "under a grand" you mean under 1000 $, here's my recommendation :

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3,2 ghz
MoBo Biostar TA890GXB

In total, it's about 8.2 million rupiahs....roughly US$950, includes the chassis, DVD Drive, logitech Mouse+Keyboard & logitech Speaker. US$1070 with windows 7 home premium. (Excluding the Monitor)

Yeah maybe that price is a bit...high, but you'll be able to play heavy games like crysis 2 on full HD and high settings without lags or something like that.

Also, these I got these price from a local store here in Indonesia. You might be able to find cheaper ones online, or where you live.

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Title Post: What should be a few necessities for a gaming pc?
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