Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What processor and graphics card should I get?

best pc gaming graphics card 2012 on Best Graphics Cards for PC Gaming 2012
best pc gaming graphics card 2012 image

Jeremy Lyn

I'm planning on building a gaming computer that is capable of running games like Black Ops 2 and Starcraft 2 on ultra graphics without killing the computer and while staying in a manageable price range.
Please help me out! Any and all suggestions will be considered. Thanks!

P.S any advise on other computer parts is appreciated as well. ^.^

I think that this website will be easier to understand and follow than the other recommended site:,3273.html

TomsHardware does gaming build-offs several times a year and the latest one is August 2012... a new one should be coming out shortly. You will see that they have 3 basic priced builds : $500, $1000, $2000 but none of them include the cost of a operating system.

I use this site to determine what I am going to use when I build a gaming system for my clients.

For games, should I get a new graphics card, prossesor, or both?


I am trying to get my 2008 computer ready for 2012 games, so i need to beef up my power to handle such graphics. Does a graphics card or prossesor affect how games' graphics are handled? Thanks in advance.

Both, obviously the GRAPHICS card the most, if you want to play current games well (and future proof your pc) make sure you have a quad core processor and a mid range GPU (i.e £100+) price range, sorry I can't recommend anything but i need more specifics, such as your budget or what your current system is.

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