Monday, June 24, 2013

what can you do on the sims 3 expansion packs?

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i know they are making an expansion pack for the sims 3 but what is the name of it and what can you do?

The Sims are going on a trip around the world. Electronic Arts has unveiled the first Sims 3 expansion, keeping it on schedule to match its predecessors' substantial number of content packs.
Titled World Adventures, the expansion will take the Sims out of Sunset Valley and Riverview and send them to "real-world inspired destinations" cities in China, France and Egypt. So you won't be going to Beijing, but you will get to check out "Shang Simla."

The expansion will feature new opportunities and skills, as well as the ability to kidnap (er, meet) foreign Sims and bring them back to Sunset. As was the case when the game launched, people who purchase the expansion at launch will get 1000 SimPoints for use in the online store.

In addition to the PC version, World Adventures will be appearing on the iPhone and iPod Touch, and will feature "customized mobile gameplay features" The mobile version will be arriving 2010, with the PC version set to arrive November 16.

Thats all i found
explains it all dsnt it? i cant wait!

Do you think the 8th Generation of consoles is gonna be the last?


I personally do think its gonna be the last. I say this because they are pretty much giving all they have on those consoles, (with the exception of the WiiU, Nintendo could keep going).
I also have another question, Are videogames getting boring for you?
For me, A definitive YES because They are getting repetitive. Almost all games have guns and killing peolpe. CoD, Halo, Battlefield, Uncharted, Killzone, et al.
Be sure to leave a complete answer.
@Newman Daniels, yeah... other games? There is no good games nowadays, just shooters, shooters and more shooters. Finding a good game is like living eternally, IMPOSSIBLE!
A simple change? Yeah, I try to switch from shooter to RPG. Guess what I see, GUNS. What I want is an RPG like, lets say, a better version of Zelda.

I will start with Xbox first. Xbox was at its prime during the time of 2003 during which Xbox live was the most community based. With games like Mech assault, midtown madness, counter strike and project gothem racing as the most played games during that time. Xbox then hit its peak with the release of Halo 2 on November 9 2004. This held the record for the most played online game for Xbox live for over 2 years. This game brought record breaking sales and brought many new features to the game that were available on NO OTHER GAME. Things such as sending messages in the game, game invites, recording a voice message and making clans were something completely new to Xbox and people were amazed by it. Halo 3 also brought about the same thing but since then Xbox games have been declining in quality and have only been upgrading in graphics. Games like oblivion were great but then with the release of Skyrim (which blew massive donkey dick) the series has declined.
Pc gaming. I am rather new to PC gaming since I have only started hardcore pc gaming in about
September of 2009 but i will still offer you the knowledge that I have. I have also heard that pc gaming was in its prime in about the 2004 era. With the release of World of Warcraft (WOW) this game saw 4+ million subscribers within its first few weeks of release. This number was far beyond what any game had achieved in the mmorpg genre of gaming. WOW grew stronger with each year and in about 2010 had 12 million subscribers. To give you a thought of how big that number is, wow subscribers pay $15 a month. So 15 x 12 million is 180 million. 180 million x 12 months means that blizzard, the owners of the company were raking in $2.16 billion dollars a year. Wows numbers have since declined to only 10 million since the release of wow cataclysm. The PC gaming market has been recently poisoned with all of these recent free to play games (f2p). Games such as team fortress 2 were once enjoyable games but since becoming f2p are now poisoned with 10 year olds and noobs that have no idea how to play the game. PC gaming is not the only ones to have f2p games. Mobile markets are also heavily poisoned with f2p games in the recent years in which you are forced to pay for in game items or suffer the consequences.
Ps3 gaming. Playstation has never really been a big competitor in gaming and the only way that they can do so is if they start charging for their online services. They do have some top titles such as rachet and clank and JAK, but what I have herd is that these games have also declined over time.
Wii. Needs to quit already and go back to hand held devices.
Soon enough we will see another video game crash such as the Video game crash of 1983. This time though the video game market may never recover. In my personal opinion, I think that there may not even be a 8th generation of consoles.Even if the ps4 does get released it will become a finical flop and play station will drop out of the console race. If Xbox does release a new console which i highly doubt, this to will flop and they may be forced to return to one of the previous consoles and start building there, or they may also drop out of the race completely.

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