Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What parts should i use for making a gaming pc?

best gaming pc for wow on Extravagant World of Warcraft setup includes 47 PCs, seven monitors
best gaming pc for wow image


Hello im making a gaming PC and i will mostly use it for gaming and surfing the web i will need it to run Minecraft WoW and modern games like Battlefield 3 and maybe Lego universe i would like the case to light up in blue red or orange and my budget is $500-600 Thanks

I play minecraft 24/7 and I know that it has memory leaks and other issues that make it so you need a higher end computer in order to get rid of the frequent crashing and lagging. Most of the configurations on this computer configurator is enough to play bf3 at 60 fps except the graphics. My understanding is WoW isnt exactly intense on the specs of your computer so this should be good.

What games have insane fights and huge monsters?


It has to be for pc and has cool weapons, ive played lost planet 1 and 2 darksiders, prototype, WoW, league of legends dead space 1 and 2 mass effect diablo 3dragon age, skyrim and such and was curious what games have wonderful graphics cool fights and HUGE monsters i love fighting huge monsteres in games, pc games btw, thanks!

I dont know what the bosses in Aion are like but it has better graphics then wow so...
Prototype 2??
Other than that I would say get some mods for skyrim for bigger and badder bosses.

...RUNESCAPE (jokes)

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