Sunday, January 26, 2014

What quality of a gaming desktop can a budget between 700 & 1000$ offer me?

best gaming desktop 800 on Mouse USB 800/1200/1600DPI/Competitive games must/Best Selling Gaming ...
best gaming desktop 800 image


See I've got this budget I want to spend on building a gaming desktop pc. I was wondering if this budget can get me a pc of good quality. Not super high, I know I have to pay like 2k or more to get premium quality. Does it run like most games like League of Legends and stuff on maximum graphics and resolution? I would be glad if you also give me some specs & suggestions on what to get and stuff. Thanks :D

if you're building it yourself, $1k budget will definitely get you a very powerful desktop that can run most games on medium to high settings. You can definitely run LoL on highest settings without a problem. To put things into perspective, here's what you can get for ~$800

PS: Since you play League of Legends, remember to use their giveaway site for free prizes :)

What kind of specifications should I look for when buying a gaming desktop?

Damon G

'm looking for a gaming desktop but don't know what to look for i play flight simulator x , sims 2 , war games ect and would like to play in high settings thanks.


Here's what I would recommend. There's a small company called Lotus Computer, and they build some really nice desktops. Plus they support them free for 3 years, and they ship free to anywhere in the US. I would check them out. If you do take a look at them, here's what I think you should do:

Go build an Aurora:

Then, change the following parts. You can leave the rest at the defaults, unless you feel like changing them, but I'm going to recommend changing the parts that will affect performance most.

-For graphics, get the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (512 MB RAM). That's a great card for gaming, and when it comes to gaming, the video card affects performance and quality the most. This is one of the best cards available.

-For memory, 2 GB is good, but for another $30, you can get 3 GB which will let it handle more resources, making it run faster. I wouldn't recommend 4 GB since a 32-bit OS can only use 3.5 GB (to use 4, you'd have to use a 64-bit OS, which you can get, but then it brings more compatibility issues.)

-For OS, get XP Home or Vista Home Premium. Vista is better for FSX and a lot of upcoming games, because a lot of newer games like FSX use DirectX 10, which only works in Vista. XP is good, but at this point, Vista really isn't a bad choice.

Everything else is up to you. The CPU is very nice, it's a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, but if you want even better performance, you might want to upgrade to the E6550, which is the next step up.

If you pick what I recommended and leave the rest at default, you'll be looking at $1,429, which really isn't bad considering how fast this machine is and the company you're buying it from, which I hear is really good. You'll probably find a cheaper computer elsewhere, but chances are, you're not going to get the kind of quality and service you'll get from Lotus. Remember, you get what you pay for ;-)

Here's the specs, taken from the configuration page:

Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 (2.4 GHz, 2 MB Cache, 800 MHz FSB)

3 GB DDR2 SDRAM (Three 1 GB modules at 800 MHz)

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with 512 MB Video Memory

DVD+/-RW Dual-Layer Optical Drive with LightScribe

Seagate Barracuda 250 GB at 7200 RPM

No Wireless Networking

19-inch Samsung SyncMaster 953BW Widescreen Flat Panel Display

Logitech Access Keyboard 600 - Wired Keyboard

Logitech LX3 - Wired Optical Mouse

Logitech LS11 - Desktop Speakers

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium

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Title Post: What quality of a gaming desktop can a budget between 700 & 1000$ offer me?
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