Saturday, February 1, 2014

Best current baseball game on PC?


MVP 2005 was good. I think EA didnt have the license to produce anymore.. what shame.

Anyway, I havent been gaming for a while so I'm kind of outdated. What's the current "best" baseball game on PC? I dont mean baseball manager... just plain old playing baseball :0


try going to pc game reviews and you will find more than just baseball you could unlock a whole new world of games

What Is A Good Gaming PC?


Ok Guys i need a new good pc i don't have price limits but i am a heavy gamer. should i just buy all the best parts money can buy and go to a shop for them to put it together and if so where could i find a shop that does that in the Kentucky/Tennessee region(Not where i live just visiting family members) will best buy's geek squad put it together for me. As you know the decision is up too you and any answers will be accepted.

Gaming Pc's work mainly on two things. Video card and memory. WHile they do work your CPU as well, RAM is always the most important thing in a computer because it is an easy upgrade and relatively cheap.
You will need 4 gb of RAM or more. If you get more than 4 gb you will need a different version of Windows.
The video card is another question. You really need to see what is out there the month you buy it and look at a few magazines for their reviews on those cards. You can sometimes get a better card for half the price.
Another thing to Look at is what games do you play. certain games will respond better with particular video cards. The other problem with video cards is that in 3 months time there will be a faster one.
I have known groups of friends who each month, the one with the slowest video card will buy a new card and become the best player in that game. Don't spend huge money on one card and find out in six months time everyone is beating you so you then have to upgrade.
Look at building a good quality system that can handle it's own and leave yourself some money to upgrade a bit as time goes by.
For a laptop, the DELL XPS has a great reputation. It is the one you see Sheldon using on THE BIG BANG THEORY TV show.

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Title Post: Best current baseball game on PC?
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