Friday, January 31, 2014

Should i really get a gaming PC?


I kinda want a gaming PC cause i read a lot of things that say PC's are like the best and everything like that. But i really don't know if i want one now cause mostly the games that i would play is like GTA, COD, Counter Strike and maybe just mix it up sometimes. And i have played counter strike and a few other games on my cousins computer and i really liked them but i don't know how COD will be.But also reviews about call of duty on the PC just say that the game is filled with hackers and cheaters, and i do not want to play against hackers and cheaters. And yes i am willing to pay for it all its just that i don't know if i will enjoy it as much as i am imagining. And a lot of people say that PC is for like hardcore gamers but i play Xbox right know and I am really good and i don't mean to be cocky or anything like that but i average in the top 3 players every game so if i were to get a PC would i just get owned every game or would i fit in just fine. Please help me make a decision.

Gaming pc's are nice for just about anything, their speed is a nice bonus for every day work. For gaming, it doesn't sound like you need that powerful of a pc to run your games. It probably isn't worth getting call of duty for the pc if you already play in on xbox. We can't really decide for you as we don't know everything you will be using it for. I'm sure once you have it, you will find things to use it for.

Do you like console gaming or pc gaming?

I Like 4AG

Tell me what you like and explain in detail. Give me pros and cons if you can. I would choose PC gaming in my preference.

PC gaming
- (Slightly) better graphics than consoles if you got a powerful rig
- A keyboard so you can conveniently use TEXT CHAT
- Retail games are usually priced $10-20 lower than console versions
- Steam sales
- Many PC exclusive indie games and MMOs
- Better aim in shooter games with a mouse, don't need a silly aim assist
- Key bindings customization

Console gaming
- Cheaper to buy a console
- Can sit on a comfy sofa to play
- Controller (depending on preferences)
- Few technical problems faced unlike PC (like installation or failure on game startup)
- Many more AAA big budget games exclusives (Halo, Uncharted, Infamous, JRPGs?)
- Larger Display
- Less hackers in online games maybe?

So weighing all those in, I guess it's best to say PC gaming wins.

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Title Post: Should i really get a gaming PC?
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