Monday, January 27, 2014

Anyone know of a wireless PC gaming headset that has a removable microphone?

best pc gaming wireless headset on The Spectrum 7xb is a wireless headset designed for Xbox 360 gamers ...
best pc gaming wireless headset image


I like to watch movies on my PC while laying on my bed and the $180 pair of (wired) headphones I had broke for the second time because I fell asleep while watching a movie. The power cord keeps cinching and the ear now crackles. So I want a wireless headset that has a removable microphone so that there will be nothing to break if I happen to snooze off during a movie.
Also it has to have a charging cord, not a stand. They have to be usable while charging.

I'm pretty sure no headset like this exists.
@Christopher - Thank you, these were really the only headset that I saw that came close, but it is always advertised with the charging stand so I figured you needed to hang them up to charge. In fact these were the reason I added that clause for needing the cord, but if they can charge while in use, they will be perfect... so thank you. :)

I'd definitely recommend the Tactic 3d Omega. They're wireless and cross-platform so they'll work with all systems/consoles.

The range is rate at 40ft but I've gone well over 50ft and still been fine. the mic detaches and the earcups pulse in a subtle blue glow - looks really cool. they can be used while being charged as well. i've owned mine for almost 2 years and love them.

Tactic 3D Omega:

good luck and happy listening :)

What gaming headsets are right for me?


I want to get gaming headsets for my ps3. I want to have a mic and the sound coming through my headset and not my TV. I also want to be able to talk on skype and use them for pc gaming. Preferably wireless but wired isn't that bad either. I know that I am not able to use it for my ps3 and pc at the same time but i want to be use it for whichever i need to use it for at the moment. What headsets are compatible for my needs???
Price is not a problem. Just want to know my options whether its expensive or not

Depends if you got big ears

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Title Post: Anyone know of a wireless PC gaming headset that has a removable microphone?
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