Saturday, January 18, 2014

What parts are good for a custom built gaming Pc?

best gaming pc on a budget on BEST BUDGET GAMING PC 2013!! | How To Save Money And Do It Yourself!
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Hello guys, i am a pretty big gamer and my 4 year old laptop isn't very good, so i want to upgrade to a gaming pc, but my budget is around $650 , I want to build a intel based system, and i am the type of person who likes to make things look nice so i want a cool looking case with side panel window and blue leds and stuff . Thanks.

I have a Dual core 3.2 GHz processor, an AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series, and a Galaxy III Black case, that has a transparent side with blue LEDs and two strips of blue LEDs in tubes down the face.

Directx 10 compatible desk top gaming pc on a budget of $1k?


I'm looking for a decent Directx 10 compatible desktop gaming pc for a budget of around $1000. Preferably with multi-monitor support

I have all peripherals already just need the pc itself.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated thanks.

Check this out. Building one can be much cheaper.

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Title Post: What parts are good for a custom built gaming Pc?
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