Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What is the best gaming PC build/setup/hardware or whatever you want to call it for 2011?

best gaming pc hardware 2011 on Best 27 Inch PC Gaming Monitor 2012  2013
best gaming pc hardware 2011 image

Dustin Bar

Just mostely wondering what the best processor for gaming is and what the best brand of mobo's for gaming are along with RAM? But a whole build would be nice too :). Last question, how good are Sandy Bridge's for gaming?

"The best" really depends on your brand preference, your budget, and what you're using it for.

Sandy Bridges are good for gaming, I'd go for an i5 2500k. If you're mainly gaming, and want to get a better video card without going over your budget, you can cut down on the CPU price by going with an AMD Phenom II X4.

Why are PC and console games so different in price?

Gameplay E

When a game is released the price of the game for both PC and consoles is almost the same,but after a few months or 1/2 year the PC games' price starts to drop and becomes lower,yet the console price is still high.

The reason is because Microsoft and Sony have a great deal of control over devs when it comes to price point, advertising, even development. The PC is a very different beast: unlike the XBOX or PS3, a video game dev does not need to seek the permission of MS or Sony to make a game for the PC, so they are completely free to set a lower price point than on a console. This is why, for example, you have very profitable digital distribution serves such as Steam and Gamers Gate where, as you point out, game prices fall very quickly after release unlike on consoles. The lower pricing on PC games has given the PC an edge in sales over the last few years. For example, in 2011, PC game sales totaled $18.6 billion versus 17.02 billion for consoles.

Another reason is because when you buy a console, MS or Sony are often selling it at a loss, or a very slim profit margin, with the idea of making a profit instead via game sales (sort of like how cell phone companies will give you a phone for free with the idea of making a profit via the service contract). Same thing going on here. In exchange for discounted hardware, you pay a mark-up for software.

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Title Post: What is the best gaming PC build/setup/hardware or whatever you want to call it for 2011?
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