Friday, October 11, 2013

What are the components I need to build a gaming computer?

best gaming pc you can build 2012 on TNT Mod | The 10 Best Minecraft Mods |
best gaming pc you can build 2012 image


I have about 2000 dollars saved up for a new gaming rig, the only problem is that I have no clue what parts are the best for that kind of budget. THANKS!

With $2000 you have MORE than enough.

Either Go with a Tier 7 Mainstream build:

Or the Tier 8 Green build:

You've got plenty of leeway to tinker. For example the GTX 680 really isn't worth the minimal boost over the GTX 670. Why buy a $250 motherboard when a $150 model works just as well? There's no reason to exceed 8GB of RAM for a gaming rig. And you can easily save money by choosing a smaller SSD or less fancy case. Personally I'd just go with a Cooler Master HAF 912 or Corsair 300R and put more money into the GPU solution.

A lot of people may suggest higher bang/buck configurations... anyway, if you're not too familiar with hardware just target one of the higher-end mainstream builds and upgrade a few things.

Whats the best gaming pc build 2012?


What is the best gaming pc build 2012 that will run all games out now at 60fps + While recording with fraps . I want it a Desktop For around 2000$

If you want to get a higher FPS in game, use Bandicam

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