Sunday, September 8, 2013

Where should I buy my Gaming PC and what specs should it have?

best gaming pc parts 2013 on ... M200 Tablet PC / Notebook Convertible Computer ( view larger image
best gaming pc parts 2013 image


During the summer of 2013 I am thinking about spending £1000 on a gaming PC, so I need to know what company makes good 'solid' PC's that do not break instantly and are 'trusted'.


A grand will get you top spec. but you will want to self build, you'll get all the parts you want and quite possibly cheaper than a prebuilt system.

I recently did a build for someone (details are on my email account) which was on a £700 budget,

asrock z77 extreme4
8gb ram
1tb hdd
WiFi card
OCZ 600w PSU.
7850 Radeon HD graphics.
120gb sandisk extreme SSD.

this came in at 700, so for 1k, you can up the graphics card to top spec and still be in budget...

prices change and tech is renewed quite often so in 6months there will be an even better spec available.

What are the best graphics cards of 2013 so far?


I'm currently putting together a gaming PC, and I would like to know what the best graphics cards of the early part of this year are, so I can make my project worth the money I'm spending on it.

What graphics cards would you guys recommend?

well, nVidia just released the Geforce GTX Titan...for $1000 dollars you can have the best of the best ;)

If you're looking for something reasonable thought, the nVidia GTX 560 Ti is a great card, I don't know AMD cards that well, sorry.

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Title Post: Where should I buy my Gaming PC and what specs should it have?
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