Saturday, September 14, 2013

What specs should I look for in a gaming computer?

best gaming pc you can build 2012 on DVD Yabanc, Film Sayar Blu-Ray DVD Oyun, 24, Band Of Brodhers, THE ...
best gaming pc you can build 2012 image


I'm getting a new computer, but I still don't know which one to buy. I know gaming computers cost a lot, but if you could give me suggestions on how to make it a bit cheaper, that'd be great. So basically, I'm asking what I should look at for a fast gaming computer at an affordable price. Links would be great.
Most games will be played on steam.

Check out the suggested builds on TomsHardware System Builders marathon for August 2012:,3273.html

These are systems that are build and tested to work well together (total build cost does not include an operating system)

Hope this helps.

What are the components I need to build a gaming computer?


I have about 2000 dollars saved up for a new gaming rig, the only problem is that I have no clue what parts are the best for that kind of budget. THANKS!

With $2000 you have MORE than enough.

Either Go with a Tier 7 Mainstream build:

Or the Tier 8 Green build:

You've got plenty of leeway to tinker. For example the GTX 680 really isn't worth the minimal boost over the GTX 670. Why buy a $250 motherboard when a $150 model works just as well? There's no reason to exceed 8GB of RAM for a gaming rig. And you can easily save money by choosing a smaller SSD or less fancy case. Personally I'd just go with a Cooler Master HAF 912 or Corsair 300R and put more money into the GPU solution.

A lot of people may suggest higher bang/buck configurations... anyway, if you're not too familiar with hardware just target one of the higher-end mainstream builds and upgrade a few things.

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Title Post: What specs should I look for in a gaming computer?
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