Sunday, August 25, 2013

What is the proper graphics card for Gateway GM5472?

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I wanted to buy a graphics card for highest quality PC video game performance, what is the compatible card that goes with my PC? its a Gateway GM5472, please, thank you!

It has a PCI-e x16 slot which is good.

Use this guide and specify your price - ignore AGP port section of guide.,2011-2.html

Buy from newegg, frys, tigerdirect.

The Radeon 4850 HD is the best bang for your buck.

Be advised some cards require two adjacent slots and a large PSU (500W) or greater. Be sure you have the space in your motherboard/case and a powerful enough PSU (yours is 300W). THe radeon 4850 is single slot which is nice.

Try the card with the 300W PSU and see if it boots. If the card hangs during a game you generally need a better PSU.

Your case is a BTX so you need a BTX PSU if you want to replace it.


What is the best should I do if I want to play modern PC games at max graphical settings if I've got this?


I've only got 130 Dollars (USD) to spend

I've got a laptop (purchased in 2011) with these specs:

i3 (2.53GHz)
Intel HD Graphics

I know that the processor is okay and the RAM amount too but the Intel HD Graphics is bad for gaming so I'm thinking if I could connect an external graphics card to my laptop. Can I do this? Is it worth?

I've also got a pretty old (about 10 years old) desktop PC with these specs:

Pentium IV (2.80 GHz)
ATI Radeon 9600
768 MB RAM

Should I buy components separately in order to upgrade this old desktop PC?

Or should I buy a new desktop PC?

Can you help me please?

I want to play PC games like Far Cry 3 at ultra settings...

Thanks and sorry for the bad english.

First off you can't upgrade the GPU in a laptop so you're stuck with Intel HD graphics.
Also although it may be possible to upgrade your desktop it probably won't be worth it, you'll have to pretty much replace all of the components including the motherboard since it will most likely only support old DDR/2 RAM and old processors.

You should just buy/build a new desktop. But with a budget of just $130 building a PC that can handle Far Cry 3 on ultra is impossible. Sorry.
I recommend just saving up your money until have at least $300+ if you want to be able to build a half-decent gaming rig.

Good Luck.

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