Sunday, August 25, 2013

What is the most high performance gaming computer in the world?

best gaming pc under 50 000 on Britt World Wide
best gaming pc under 50 000 image


I was wondering what the best gaming computer in the world. Would it be a custom made pc or one bought rom alienware or sometthing. IT CAN BE ANY PRICE WITHIN REASON! like 50,000 is the highest so dont go naming super-computer at nasa or something.

If you read Maximum PC they do a super build every year just to prove it can be done! however i did notice they spent $25,000.00 one one machine! and Yes all the parts were available to anyone. its not like they used something you couldn't get. It was a nice machine but a bit pricey for my blood! I don't need to play games that bad! You can get a super gamer for under $2500.00

How do you move houses in The Sims for PC?


I found the money cheat and now i have about $71,500 and I already have a home..i would like to move into the giant house that is $50,000 but I don't know how to move houses. Please explain how to in step by step procedure. Thank you!

I'm not sure if you are talking about Sims 1 or 2. But, I'm guessing 1. To my knowledge you can not move into another house unless the house you want to move into is occupied by someone who will marry you (they propose marriage, not you.)

Where as if you are talking about Sims 2, you either look in the newspaper or computer to find own place. If you want the whole family to move, go to the neighborhood view and under the family section there should be a button that says move family into family bin (it looks like an arrow over a square.)

For both games I found that if there is a nice house that I like, but it is expensive, before I move the family-Sims 2 or the fresh family I just created-Sims 1 or 2 I go to build mode, select the house, and make it worth less and less money until it is worth $20,000 or less. Just make sure you know how to put it back.

I would also move a family onto an empty lot, or tiny house (that I will fix when I move in) by going to build mode and selecting "lots." When I move into an empty lot, I will use the money cheat a bunch of times, and then I will build to my heart's desire

Good luck and happy Simming! :)

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Title Post: What is the most high performance gaming computer in the world?
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