Saturday, August 31, 2013

Is there anyway to design a custom gaming mouse?

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Hello, i'm an avid gamer and am just getting into PC gaming. I am also starting up a Youtube channel, and I would like to have my emblem printed on a mouse. I also think it would be really cool to customize the specs on my mouse as well. Ex: Custom grip, buttons on the sides, better move detection, etc. I've looked around the internet (Google searched) and the best I can find is custom mouse pads. If you know of any sites that allow me to do something like this, price isn't really an obstacle. Thank you!

The cost would be a lot, check it out...

What kind of videos should I make for gaming YouTube channel?


I'm making a YouTube channel and looking for games to play (PC or Console games)

I dont know, but please whatever you do, BE ORIGINAL! There are soooooo many gaming channels out there and they are all the same! Except for a few big and small channels, the rest are generic, low talking, personality deprived crap.

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