Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Which are the most important things of a PC graphics card ?

best gaming pc graphics card on Builder Marathon, Q1 2013: $600 Gaming PC - Gunning For Gold At $600
best gaming pc graphics card image


I'd like to know which are the most important things of a gaming PC graphics card
Is the core speed important? Memory speed ? Memory bandwindth ?

If so, tell me please, also tell me what does each of them do


Unless you're familiar with how the GPU architecture works, none of those really mean anything unless you're comparing cards with the same GPU architecture. A card with a higher clock speed and more memory bandwidth doesn't necessarily mean it will perform better in games than another, different card.

So really all that matters is what the benchmarks say.

Is it easy to change a graphics card?


My gaming PC graphics card isnt that good, so will it be easy to change?

If it is a desktop then yes..If you're planning to upgrade your graphic card you must do a little bit of research.First look for graphic card that suit your needs and budget,Second make sure your power supply is good enough or can it supply the required power for your graphic card,Third if your motherboard have Pci-e x16 slot and Forth if your processor is fast enough to keep up with your graphic card

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