Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to build a fast gaming computer under 700?

best gaming pc build under 800 on Building A Gaming Computer by Ccile
best gaming pc build under 800 image


My brother and I are trying to figure how to build a Gaming PC under 700 maybe 800 dollars as I know how to build a great PVR PC for under 450. Anyone have a clue on this as well as any websites to help him. I used a book back in 95 to teach me but he is much younger and needs to learn how to do it and the books these days are useless!!

Unfortunately, since technology changes so fast, any web sites that talk about actual products is out of date within a couple months.

But take a look at the following links. They help out a bit.


I need help building a gaming computer, can someone help?


I want to build a gaming computer for under $800, I want to be able to mainly run World of Warcraft at its full potential, and of course other PC games at their full settings like Oblivion. If anyone can build me a list of the perfect parts for the computer and prices that would be awesome.

Maximum PC recently ran an article on a $667 gaming PC, which should meet your needs nicely. The article even includes step-by-step instructions on assembling the components if you need help with that. Link: http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/how_build_kick-ass_gaming_rig_under_700

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