Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Picking games for YouTube channel?


Okay, so a friend and I are going to start a Youtube channel where we commentate on games. We already have some games picked, but I'm worried about the legal obligations. How do you make sure that a certain game is fine to play and post to YouTube? Thanks.

You can post gameplay of any game you'd like, as each video is different and no 2 are the same. To find it out, you can look on the games Terms of Service to make sure. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Also, can we do a video together sometime? I have these games: Minecraft, Starcraft 2, CoD BO2(PC), various other games.

YT Channel:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXjnm24O9LKydJEw3k6ePMQ

Console vs pc gaming for YouTube?


I want to do a gaming channel. But not one area like most channels. I wanna be as broad as possible to cover all kinds of gaming. So I was thinking console. Heres why. I love pc no doubt. It has a lot better everything. But for me console has this. Multiplayer ease. I can hook up my headset and talknto my friends no hassle. It plays all console games so no viruses and its reliable. I love pcs but im not majorly pc savy if I get a major virus im screwed. I just want your opinions on what has more potential. Like whatbshould I do?

Console vs PC Infographic - http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/IgniteGT-PC-gaming-vs-CONSOLE-gaming1.png (you may need to zoom in)

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