Monday, May 26, 2014

Good PC Games to buy?


What are some popular PC games out right now?
I need a list of the best. Preferably from this generation

These are not worlds best games by any means. This is just a list of games I enjoy

Also avaible on consoles:
Saints row the third
Assasins creed II
Super Meat Boy (Only play this with a controller)
Borderlands 2

Games only on pc or best version is available on pc
Team Fortress 2
Portal 2

Get a steam account and wait for the sales.
Steam is great it has a friends list, achievement tracker, organised game library cross platform (PC players can vs Macplayers and if you buy a game and there is a IOS or linux version you instantly own all versions) and many of the games are cloud save enabled (No subscription necessary).
Best price for each steam game:

Should i buy a Gaming PC or PS4?


I am in high school and my budget is limited so keep that in mind. In September, I will have somewhere between 700 and 800 bucks. I want to know if I should build a PC or buy a PS4. Right now, IMO, I believe that I should get a PS4. I believe it will be cheaper in the long run because you have to upgrade a PC every two years which would probably cost $400.(?) I will buy the PS4 along with a 32 inch and will only have Drive Club in the beginning. Now my main question is, which will be cheaper over the NEXT 7 YEARS. Please elaborate.
Also, I already have a budget laptop so I can use the internets!

Gaming PC. Definitely.

PC's allow you more variety. If you have a budget of 700-800, you can get a good computer. Don't worry. You should be able to play most games you would on PS4. PC's have WAY more games including RTS games you wouldn't really get on the PS4. You could also use PC for personal uses such as browsing the web, emailing someone, or chatting like you would on PSN. I think the computer would honestly be more cost-effective, depending on which one you buy. If you want to play good games, look for computers with good gfx cards and processors. You can even get better display on PC. It's really up to you, but that's just my opinion.

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