Monday, May 26, 2014

Best Pc Speakers?

Ray D

IM plaining on buying the Logitech Z5450 wireless system is there any better pc speaker system out there because bose companion 3 and 5 just sucked i tried them both and they are only good at low range frequencies. My budget is $500-600. please let me know if there is something better out there.

Z5500 is better and cheaper. I have seen it as cheap as $200. It is a 500W system with coax, optical and analog receiver. This speaker set has been rated the best 5.1 PC speaker system time and time again, even though it has been around for 2 years. Vote #1 by magazines and many web sites.

I love them. Powerful sound, THX certified and perfect for gaming, movies and music. People even buy these to hook up to a game console as well. You can't beat the price.

Bose are completely overpriced. Yeah, they might sound better than Logitech speakers, but they cost 2-3 times more.

Whats the best pc 5.1 surround speakers?


Whats the best surround 5.1 pc speakers you can get? i have used the Logitech z5500 and they got broken so i sent it to service and they told me i can choose between any speakers for the same price. Which one wuold you pick and why? is the z906 good? Im looking for some speakers with better sound quality, the bass doesnt have to be as good as the z5500s. And i bought it from so i appreciated if you could link me from pixmanias homepage some good speakers. Thanks.

Sound preference is very personal. You may really like a sound system that I may not like at all... I can give you this one tidbit though... If possible get a system that is THX certified. It is a big deal if you're into gaming or big sound movies. You won't regret it.

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