Friday, April 4, 2014

whats a good gaming pc case?


I want a ATX full tower case. Since I'm planning to build a gaming pc I would like something that has a window or maybe some leds. I found the Rosewill Thor v2 case. What do you think and any other recommendations?

Make sure you get a steel case first. Even if it doesnt look cool you want you pc protected, dont get a plastic case.

Here are a few good cases with windows

Corsair carbide 300r windowed

NZXT phantom (Go to and you can buy a modded side pannel with a window)

Or just any other NZXT case they are all awesome

Case suggestions for gaming PC?


Okay so I am completely new to PC gaming and I want to build my own PC. basically I am willing to spend up to $1500 on the whole thing. So I'm looking to have an upper scale PC. right now I'm looking at cases and I really can't decide. I know I want something with good air flow and plenty of room. I was looking at the cooler master storm Stryker or the cooler master HAF series. but I am open to anything. any help would be appreciated. Also if you can recommend other parts I may need.

I'm also confused on drive bays. some cases have up to 9 drive bays. what would I do with that many?

It depends on whether you want quality, looks or a bit of both, Lian Li make good quality cases, but are very simple in appearance and many don't support 240mm water cooling, The Haf series and cases like the Aerocool XPredator and Enermax Spinerex look really good and are full tower cases, supporting water cooling much better. It depends on what sort of case you are looking for.
Also, i would recommend getting parts such as a Nvidia GTX 680 GPU, Intel core i5 3570k processor and 8gb's of ram for a gaming pc. For a motherboard you could get something like the Asus P8Z77 or the Sabertooth Z77, its really up to your preferences.

Also you probably won't need 9 drive bays, they can be used by things like dvd burners fan controllers etc.

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