Saturday, January 11, 2014

How do i build my own computer?

best gaming pc 500 dollars on top-5-best-very-cheap-laptops-under-500-dollars-toshiba-equium-l350 ...
best gaming pc 500 dollars image


Ok so im 13 and i got advice from people saying that for 500 dollars if i wanted a kick ass gaming pc i should build my own. So i did that and it costed around 570 dollars, but for some reason it doesn't work. I know i probably messed up putting it together and i don't know what to do. Any ideas?

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Would the Playstation 4 and Xbox 720 beat the latest gaming hardware?


I heard rumours that if you have a gaming PC that cost $5,500 dollars it still won't be able to beat the PS4 and Xbox 720 specs, is this true? Please tell me because I am really worried( I am a PC gamer ) :(

This is totally false.

The ps4 is like last years PC if you look at its specs.

And 720 not announced will have similar features.
So don't worry with a 5500 dollar PC you can get a NVIDIA Titan graphics card + the best of the best in technology and specs which can last for 6-7 years

Enjoy Gaming

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Title Post: How do i build my own computer?
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