Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I would like to build a gaming pc from scratch?

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I would like to build a gaming pc from scratch.?
By scratch, I mean completely from scratch. I want to have a custom chassis or case made from my design. Unfortunately I don't like any of the cases for sale on newegg.com and I really just want to make my own case, but I don't know how. Is there anywhere that can collaborate with me to create a custom pc case?

Yes, Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express.
For a free 3D software use Blender. As you've already admitted, games like Fable, Gothic, and Elder Scrolls have large teams of people working for several years to complete a game like that. With just three of you, with no programming experience or game development experience in general, you'll never finish one if you start from scratch like you want to.

Have you considered using a pre-made engine? There are many out there... Source, for example. This would be advisable over anything else, especially considering your statement that you have a greater strength in story development than in actual coding.

I also recommend this website, which will get you started if you still insist on doing this the long way:


Of particular interest to you would be the "Beginners" section, as well as everything else under the Resources heading.

Doing something like that takes a lot of skill, time, and knowledge. I tried making a 2D game in highschool using Macromedia. Macromedia has awesome programs to use and are user friendly and easy to get the hang to. I would not try making a 3D game right away. Make some simple games, or take other games and try to emulate them at first. but to make a free-roaming 3D game by yourself, would literally take years. My suggestion would be to invest in Macromedia Flash. Flash is a great program that can be used by anyone, especially in your case being that you are knowledgeable in computers. You will have a lot of fun with it, i did.

What can I do with RealD 3d movie glasses?


I went to a 3d movie for the first time today. It was awesome. It was so much better than that Red/Cyan sh*t. I was really really impressed and I kept the glasses. So what can I do with them? I mean, can I edit videos to be 3d? Perhaps make games 3d by some filter or something. Are there any RealD ready videos on the net?

The 3d at the theater is polarized 3d which has been around since 1937 when it was invented. 3d movies since then have used polarized 3d for theaters. Now in a 3d movie you need two images for everything, one for each eye. Now the theater has to buy a special projector for polarized 3d. Then all the right eye images have one light wave and all the left eye images have a second different light wave. Then the lenses of the glasses block and unblock the 2 light wave so each eye only gets one image.

Now Televisions since its invention has not been able to do polarized 3d like movies at the theater. That is because it can not put out two different light waves. So the only 3d format it can do is anaglyph 3d that uses the red and blue glasses. That format uses color to block and unblock the images so anything that can produce color can do this 3d format.

So your glasses from the theater can not work with your television or monitor. That is disappointing but there is an alternative that tv manufactuers are turning to and that is field sequencial or eclipse 3d that looks just like polarized. Some Imax theaters use this format. It uses shutter glasses that use electricity to work. Each lens opens while the other one closes and they do this back and forth very fast. Then the image for that eye will flash on the screen while that lens is open. Nvidia already has this format for pc 3d games called gforce. In the next couple of years it will be made available for televisions.

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