Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How much does a good gaming PC cost, and what is the best kind?

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Hi, I really want Portal 2, but I hate using our XBox so I want it for PC, unfortunately neither of my parents will allow me to put it on their computers, so I'm looking to buy a quality gaming PC. I need to know how much a good one will cost, as well as what brand I should buy. Any ideas? Plz help!!!

It really depends on what you plan to do with your gaming PC

Do you want GOOD, GREAT or the BEST?

A GOOD gaming PC should cost about 600$. This is enough to go on mostly high settings at a mainstream resolution. Basically a normal home computer but with a dedicated GFX card.

A GREAT gaming PC should cost about 1000$. This is what you'd get if you want to use a single monitor and play games on their highest settings at a high resolution. You'll either use 1 top-of-the-line card or 2 midrange cards working together, and you'll want a pretty good processor.

The BEST gaming PC should cost above 1500$. This is for people who use multi-monitor displays, 3D effects, or absurdly high resolutions. Prepare to purchase multiple graphics cards, at least 2 high-performance hard drives (for RAID 0), a sound card, and liquid cooling systems.

BUT REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY FOR THE PC TOWER COST: YOU STILL NEED TO BUY A MONITOR, MOUSE, KEYBOARD, AND OPERATING SYSTEM! I personally spent 350$ on those (200$ monitor, 100$ OS, 20$ keyboard and 30$ mouse) you may also want to buy headphones, so keep those in mind too.

If all you want the PC for is to play Portal 2 and maybe some MMORPGs, then go with Good. if you plan to get into Steam and build your library, go Great. If you have too much money on your hands and want to surround yourself with the best, go...Best.

What's a good list of PC components for building a gaming PC?


I want an epic gaming pc, that WON'T break the bank. I'm willing to go upwards around $1500-$2000. I want a total Kick-A$$ gaming pc. I most certainly will not do liquid cooling (i mean with resevoirs, pumps, and all that stuff) Any money you can save me will be great. I don't need a monitor, mouse, headphones, or any of that stuff. I want this focused on parts not peripherals. Links Please :))


Just make sure you get SSD (I would combine it with SATA so you have both speed for system/programs and storage for data). SSD could seem quite expensive, but if you buy a smaller one, really just for fast system and programs, it shouldn't be so much money. ¨
Make sure you have atleast 8 GB RAM - it's not so expensive.
Also never skimp on cooling, that's very important. It doesn't have to be liquid.

Now you can look how much money you got left, and considering that you could choose which CPU and GPU (and correct motherboard and power supply) you can afford. I wouldn't go below 2 GB memory on GPU if you are a serious gamer. CPU probably 4 cores.

I'm not going to make you a list, but these are most significant "epic gaming PC factors" for me :-)
Hope you pick well, and enjoy your gaming experience.

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Title Post: How much does a good gaming PC cost, and what is the best kind?
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