Thursday, September 19, 2013

What are all the parts I am going to need to build a gaming PC?

best gaming pc 2013 build on Active Voice Building
best gaming pc 2013 build image


I have never really done this before. I have taken computers apart and put them back together. I have switched out parts from computer to computer. But I have never actually built a PC. Needless to say, this is a learning experience and a fun way I figured to blow off a $1500 bonus from work. Here is the kind of gaming computer I would like.

I want to be able to play games like Kill-Zone, so I need a computer that can handle the graphics.
However, I also want to be able to play old games from 2003-2006 (If I need to rip out parts from older computers I will).
I also like to download a lot of things on my computer. Like, a lot!
I also like to multitask.
That's about it.

Ok. List.
Graphics- Radeon 7600 Series.
Motherboard-AMD Radeon 7690.
Tradition cables.
Intel Quad Core Prosceesor, 2012 version.
A decen fan system.
For the casing. I'd go with a dell case.
Sony 2013 Disk Drive All Purpose
Chrome Browser.
An alienware monitor if you can find one.
If not the above. Go with a Dell 2012 24-25" LCD monitor.
Windows 7

What is the Ultimate Gaming PC of 2013?


Okay so I have been wondering how much would it cost to build from scratch the Ultimate Gaming PC. I know you can make a PC that plays games good for around 400-800 bucks but that isn't what I would like. I want something that can fit every gaming scenario and run games not good or great, but EXCELLENT. Something that I won't have to upgrade in the upcoming years. (unless I have to haha) I just want to know because I want to PC game without restrictions. Thanks!!!

PS. No price range.

Check this out, should run just about anything:

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Title Post: What are all the parts I am going to need to build a gaming PC?
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