Wednesday, September 18, 2013

looking for a good gaming machine around 1,200$?

best gaming pc under 60000 on SimFix SR-1 Sim Rig For Under $100  Reviewed by Inside Sim Racing
best gaming pc under 60000 image


Currently own a decent laptop ive had for a while, but it cannot handle eve online or skyrim 2 etc very well at all I do play mostly sandbox games I am willing to get a laptop or desktop but currently this is what im looking at its reliable and should def be able to handle those games but im need opinions wetheir you could find a better desktop or laptop for the same price, reliabilty plays a huge role in my opinion.

The laptop you have mentioned is one of the best selling laptops in the market. Also it is perfect for gaming as it performs really well. As per one of actual user, it is ''Fantastic Gaming Power'' which can handle games with ease. Here is a complete comment from which you can assess and make decision:

So for sure it is a high performance laptop. Also on its technical side it is also really good which includes:

Fast Intel Core i7-3610QM Quad-core 2.3GHz Processor
Good multitasking 8 GB DDR3
These are the two main features which helps in the performance of a laptop and it is good in both of them.

Also other features include 750 GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive, 17.3-Inch Full-HD LED Screen, Nvidia GTX 660M 2G GDDR5 Graphics and Windows 8. And you are getting all of these features and good performance in an affordable price. But as there are other options as well in the market. So for your ease here is a list of laptops which are under $1200 and popular ones:

PC for under Rs.60000 or $1200 in india?


use: Mainly Gaming and low level maya and after effects..

processor preference : intel 2nd Gen with iGPU but better suggestions are accepted..over clocking
not required..will be satisfied with turbo boost..

MB: No idea of SLI or Crossfire.. USB 3.0 not necessary..

Ram: not more than 8GB

Graphic card: anything which gives good frames at 1080p for the latest games..

PSU:no planing of upgradation or sli or crossfire..

HD:already have a 500GB but would like another 500GB...

Optical drive: Not required.. already have one in my old comp..

No floppy drive required:

Cabin: good air flow required..

Monitor Required: looking for full HD..21inch would be good.. i already have a 1280x1024 monitor and i want to use it in dual monitor setup.. i wont use it for dual monitor gaming but inorder to monitor things like temperature and things while gaming or rendering.. my old monitor is vga..

speakers: not required..

Keyboard and mouse: anything will do.. but keys must not be hard to press... i am a programmer aswell..

UPS: required... anything which gives me enough backup to save my works and protects the system from power surges..

after all this if there is money left i would go for a bluetooth and wifi pci card..

Budget: cannot afford anything above my limit..

plz also mention the prices next to the components...

It is awesome
Processor+Motherboard:2nd gen i7 2700k(3.5ghz,8MB cache)+intel dz68db or 3rd gen i7 3820(3.6ghz,10MB cache)+intel dx79to[rs.19000+7200 or 16000+12000]
GPU:Nvidia GTX 560ti[rs.15000]~you can compare any graphics card@
Monitor:LG E2240T(full hd 1080p 22")[RS.8800]
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 4-8gb[rs.2700-5000]
HDD:seagate 500gb[rs.2000]

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Title Post: looking for a good gaming machine around 1,200$?
Rating: 95% based on 99438 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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