Saturday, July 27, 2013

What is a Great Value Gaming Rig Configuration?

best gaming pc value on ... best of times it is the worst of times--
best gaming pc value image


The title says it all. I am building my first gaming PC and want to know what is a good gaming configuration for under 900$? I want to play modern games on max including BF3. Please help me with this. Thanks.

Like I am telling everybody, that says they have a budget, your biggest savings is going to come if you already have a hard drive, even if it is a SATA2 drive, just reuse it for a few more months. The price of hard drives has doubled and tripled over the last few weeks, due to flooding overseas... The SATA2 drives will be slightly slower, but the price of a 1Tb SATA3 64mb drive is $220 here in the states, they were $76 about a month and a half ago... which will eat up most of your builds money... So if you have an old drive, use it, and that will save you alot for the time being for better faster hardware now... For budget vs. performance, you cannot beat the i5 even the 2300, 2320, 2400, 2500 i5, with a good z68 chipset motherbaord can overclock up to 3.8Ghz, which is really no slouch... Using the same graphics card, a 560GTX ti 950mhz, gained 4000 points in Futuremark 06 from just upgrading to the 2400 overclocked to the same 3.8Ghz that my old q9550 was overclocked to... To put it like this, the q9550 stock out performs about all the Phenom II quads, so as you can see even my q9550 overclocked was kinda bottlenecking my 560GTX ti... The Sandy Bridge is just that good of a platform... Look for used i5's on ebay for bid, and try to snag one cheap. I got my 2400 i5 for $120, paired with a AsRock Extreme3 Gen3 motherboard, G.Skill 2133mhz ram, and my old Gigabyte 560GTX ti... My setup would cost about $600 American, leaving you some breathing room for a good heatsink fan for the CPU, and a good cooling case, and even enough for a decent hard drive, if you don't have one...

What are the best options for a moderate priced gaming PC?


I'm making a gaming PC with a $1K budget (without monitor). What type of processor is better - AMD or Intel? Also what sort of video cards are better - Radeon or GeForce? Please respond in terms of value, not "what's the best, most expensive one on the market".
Any other tips like min specs for processor speed, RAM...would be helpful.
I probably wouldn't do any overclocking.

i was an amd fan till the c2d line, now intel is killing amd. same goes for nvidia, i liked ati but nvidia kills them now. get at least 1gb of ram, 2 if it fits ur budget. i know u said u dont think ull overclock, BUT, if u went with an asus board(very easy to overclock) and overclocked, you could get a cheaper c2d processor and overclock to save some money

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Title Post: What is a Great Value Gaming Rig Configuration?
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