Monday, July 22, 2013

How to turn my old family pc into a moderate or decent gaming pc?

best gaming pc specs on ... computers . They are far more compact than the classic tower-style PCs
best gaming pc specs image


Hey, my name is David and I would like to turn my old family pc into a decent gaming pc.
The specs on this old pc is Windows vista home premium, amd athlon x2 processor 4200+, nvidia geforce 6100, an dvd optical drive,400 gb hard drive, 2gb ddr2 dual channel, and a 15-in-1 memory card reader. I'm looking for parts to replace that will at run league of legends at least medium settings. Please comment about what to replace and with what, linking to a site like amazon to buy the parts
This can barely run league of legends about 10 fps-15

Quite honestly, you'd pay more money to just upgrade parts than if you were to build/get a newer, better computer. The motherboard that would be running that old stuff will not be able to handle any of the new equipment that would get you a quote "moderate or decent gaming pc". You can build a PC that will run LoL (since you state that specifically) for about $500. Start with an AMD A10-5800K, an appropriate motherboard with an FM2 socket, and go from there. The processor I listed has a fairly decent video card built in, so you can get the CPU and GPU for only 120 bucks.

What kind of gaming computer do you reccomend?


can you give me like some gaming pc specs? like how much ram what graphics card how much ghz ETC i like games like css and hl2 and crysis fallout 3 GTA4 cod4 etc. It can't be fucking 2000-5000 dollars

Within a reasonable price range:

4GB of RAM

Minimum processor - Core 2 Duo E7400
Best value/dollar processsor - Core 2 Duo E8400
Best processor - Core i7 920

Minimum video card: GeForce 9800GT
Better video card: GTX 260
High-end video card: GTX 285

Here's a list of parts chosen by Tom's Hardware for a $1250 PC, during their system builder's challenge. You could use that as your starting point and make changes from there.

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Title Post: How to turn my old family pc into a moderate or decent gaming pc?
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