Sunday, July 14, 2013

What configuration should I have in a Gaming PC?

best gaming pc for $750 on Overclocking - System Builder Marathon, March 2010: $750 Gaming PC
best gaming pc for $750 image

Latha N

My son wants to buy an assembled gaming pc. And i want this pc which would support games coming up in the next 5 years. Please let me know

i7 3930k or i7 980X-Gaming Edition
GTX 680/ (or GTX 690 if you want the extra power)
1100W psu
ASRock Motherboard
The above setup will enable you to run most games at the highest settings and by the end of those 5 years this setup could still possibly run games at mediumish high settings.


i7 3700k or i7 2600k
GTX 670/
850W psu
ASRock MoBo
This will play games at medium at the end of those five years.

i5 3570k
GTX 660 ti
750 W psu
ASRocj Mobo
This one will play games at low to medium settings.

You might want to wait a bit since NVidia might release the GTX 700 Series this year which would bring down the prices of the GTX 600 series.

Happy gaming :D

What is the cheapest i can get a laptop than can run SWTOR and games comparable in reqirements decently?

Scott R

I have a budget of between $400 and $1000 dollars. My ideal price range is between $600 and $750. I need to able to play certain games with my brother who has a decent gaming pc he built.

Minimum Specs TOR:


AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better
Operating System:
Windows XP or later


Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM
Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM

Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.

Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include:

ATI X1800 or better
nVidia 7800 or better
Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better

DVD-ROM drive â 8x speed or better (required for installation from physical editions only) Internet connection required to play.

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Title Post: What configuration should I have in a Gaming PC?
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