Thursday, July 18, 2013

How hard is it to build a gaming pc?

best gaming pc hardware on ... gaming computer laptop gaming computer computer gaming hardware
best gaming pc hardware image
Q. I want to build my own gaming computer, I plan on saving up around $1,000-$1,500 for it. I have a good knowledge of computers, but I'm not a wiz with them, even though I love them and want to know more about how they work. How hard would it be for me to build a gaming pc from the ground-up with almost no hardware experience?

I'm 13 and I did it.

You don't need to know too much about hardware to build one, just go on forums and on New Build, ask them to choose the parts for you.

If you want to learn about hardware, then I still recommend going on that site.

The hard part is choosing the parts and learning about what does what. The building part itself isn't that hard, so long as you have time and have a guide on the internet.

What do you need to be the "ultimate gamer"?


I'm a 14 y.o. boy who would seriously like to become the ultimate hardcore gamer, but I don't know where to start. I'm already the most serious gamer in my group of friends, and want to bring it even further. Any suggestions (best games, consoles, gaming PC hardware?) If serious hardcore gamer tells me the exact computer that they use for their PC games, that would be a great help (because my parents are getting me a new computer anyway.) Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
Wow, you guys are morons. Let me rephrase my question. What HARDWARE/SOFTWARE would you reccomend for a hungry hungry gamer like myself, wanting to broaden his horizons and join the ranks of people such as the writers of Penny Arcade. Thanks, maybe now you people won't need to think so hard.

The most hardcore gamers are PC gamers, as they can upgrade their computer's architecture to keep up with the most power demanding games. Dell builds many computers around gaming as does Alienware. You can start with them.

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