Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to fix my second monitor from shifting the full screen video?

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I have dual monitors, and when I try to run a fullscreen game like Skyrim or Sims 3 on my main monitor while I have any internet screen running on my second monitor, the internet window becomes shifted a few inches to the right, and off the screen. Is there any way to fix this problem? I've been dragging the window a few inches to the left to offset it before I open the game, but would love to fullscreen on both monitors.

Hello, If you want the display to be just on one screen, you will need to go to your computers' Display Settings which can be accessed by right clicking on your desktop and personalize your display or through the control panel->Appearance and Personalization-> Display. In the settings, for the multiple display option, select "Display desktop only on 1" or "Display desktop only on 2" depending on which monitor is 1 or 2. Here are some websites that will help.â¦â¦â¦

To get a good accurate answer give the brand, model number, installed operating system of the laptop when asking a question as all PC's are not the same. Hey, I enjoyed your question, I am a retired computer technician. I hope I have helped you...

CompTIA A+ Certified Computer Professional

What is the largest amount of memory and space on a laptop?


I Am A PC Genius. And I Am Looking For A Laptop. Any Chance You Can Answer What I Asked?

As of today - July 2011, a higher end gaming/entertainment laptop consists of 16Gb of RAM and 1.25Tb hard disk space. Two years from now, people will scoff while reading this response in the archives.

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