Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What is the best gaming pc u can build for 1500$?

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I want to build a good gaming pc, and like most people I want to get the most out of my money. So I have 1500$ to use. Where should I buy it? And what should I buy? (Im building it myself, so i just need the parts)


Don't think I forgot anything.

That's the build I would make, plus the build I'm slowly upgrading to over time.

What best and affordable components should I get when building a PC?


Im researching on the components that are good when I build my PC. Not an expensive custom gaming PC that totals around $1500. I want a PC good enough to run a games on medium perspective. Give me examples on the:
Memory, OS, CPU cooler, Power Supply, Graphics Card, CPU, Hard Drive, and motherboard.
I hope I waste around $700-$900. I already have a case good enough for the components.

Get this FX-6100/970/8GB/2TB/700watt PSU SuperCombo DIY kit - $557

And add this MSI N560GTX-Ti 448 Twin Frozr III - $270 after mail-in rebate

The above is a GTX570 minus one shader cluster, but can easily attain its original speeds...

That's $830 for a super gaming computer...

Wanna go cheaper, add either this HD6870 2GB - $180

Or the HD6870 1GB - $145

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Title Post: What is the best gaming pc u can build for 1500$?
Rating: 95% based on 99438 ratings. 4,5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown

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