Sunday, June 15, 2014

Which is better for gaming? PC or Laptop?

Q. You heard me, which computer is better? (In general).

Which Will You Choose?
Whether you're shooting down enemies in Half Life 2 or unraveling a mystery in Dreamfall, computer gaming has been a popular hobby for more than a decade. Gamers have a choice when it comes to what they play with. They
can sit at a desk with their tricked out desktop PC, or travel from coffee shop to coffee shop playing games on their laptop. If you're trying to decide whether to invest the portability of a laptop or the affordability of a desktop, there are some issues to consider.

Laptops, of course, are more portable. It's easy to unplug this thin computer from the wall, put it in a bag, and carry it to a party or friend's house. With desktop PCs, this is a lot harder. Desktop towers are heavy and bulky. Not only that, there are many components to a desktop that would be needed as well, including a large monitor and the keyboard and mouse. Since all of these things come in one tiny package, the laptop wins the portability debate.

Since gaming technologies get more advanced every year, the components of your computer will become obsolete pretty quick. New computer games are always demanding the best possible equipment. Because of this, you'll need to be able to upgrade the components of your computer pretty easily. This can be done cheaply with a desktop computer, but is almost impossible with a laptop. Most laptops don't allow upgrading for parts like hard drives and graphics cards. This means that if you do get a laptop, you'll probably have to replace it after a year or two.

In line with portability, there are some vast size differences between desktop and laptop PCs. Since laptops have all of their peripherals built into the unit, the size can be pretty small. Desktops, on the other hand, have big and bulky parts that come separately. Size matters. If you like it small, go with the laptop.

Since money is an issue and selling point for people, this is the most important category when choosing a computer. The unfortunate fact is that laptops are a lot more expensive than desktop computers. I decided to customize two computers on Both computers were virtually the same in terms of components, but one was a laptop and one was a desktop. I chose the best equipment needed for gaming, which included a 2.16 GHz processor, 2GB RAM, and a 512 Geforce video card. With all these similar components, the laptop came out at $3328 and the desktop came out at $1827. That means you can get a desktop computer that is virtually the same as a laptop for about half the price. That's quite a big difference! Adding on the fact that you can't upgrade laptops, desktops are definitely the way to go in terms of price.

Best video games PC ?


I'm a huge sims 3 fan I have pets, late night ..etc also I love far cry and amnesia and all those games in the past I used to have toshipa laptop and it was amazing ! My games didn't froze and it was just amazing but then it got stolen :( I started looking for a good gaming laptop people told me about lenovo I bought it but it sucked, I sold it and I got a HP and it sucks even more my games froze a lot and crashes too! And now I'm planing for a new gaming computer I have 2 questions 1-what's the best laptop or a desk computer ? 2-if so I need a good price about 400$ to 500$ will be pretty good

Thank u
I'm a girl btw
Thanks to all of you guys each answer helped me

I would recommend Acer because I currently have one which I bought for 430$ and it runs many games really well e.g. Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, Minecraft etc etc but that's my opinion its really up to you.
Hope it Helped:)

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Title Post: Which is better for gaming? PC or Laptop?
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