Sunday, June 15, 2014

Good Gaming PC Desktops.?


I am looking for good gaming PC Desktops that can run games, such as Call of Duty, Crysis, and Battlefield 3 on high setting. My budget range is $900 to $1200. Any suggestions?

buy one off the shelf for 500-600 bucks and have the store install you a 700w power supply unit brands like corsair-antec thermaltake then buy you either a geforce gtx 560 or up to gtx 580 depending on how impressive you want it to play if you want to go with amd your options are 6850, 6870, 6950, 6970
or the first number could be a 7 as long as it has the next digit for these are high end cards however if you can roll with your games on low-mid settings roll with a mid range cards amd radeon 7750 or a geforce gt545 gtx550ti and so on you will not need a extra psu for a mid range 7750 however bf3 will be ran on medium or low which is ok cause you can still play it when it comes to your cpu most cpus are higher then duel core which is all you need is 2 cores ram all you need is 4gbs and most new computers have 6 and higher and is expandable i know best buy will install these parts in it for you unless you know someone that will do if for nothing or really cheap best buy will charge you about 40-50 bucks a part unless you buy a plan where they will install anything you want for a said ammount of time keep in mind you will need extra power for a gtx550ti not sure on a gt545 it is a maybe

What gaming desktop would you buy for $1000-1200?


I'm gonna be looking to retire my alien ware mx11 and want to replace it with a desktop. If possible i'd like to keep the price reasonable(is sub 1200 actually reasonable for a desktop?) I've done some research and have herd i should wait till the new consoles come out before getting my rig. I'm a bit clueless when it comes to know what to put into the computer so would really appreciated any help i could get on that. Im not a heavy gamer but do not enjoy lag or freezing. Im a huge fallout fan (i know doesn't need alot of power) and will mainly be playing those type of games (I tend to add alot of mods so it does seem to start using power up quick).

You can easily build or buy a decent gaming rig in that price range.

If you wanna build it yourself, this link lists all of the components (except cd/dvd/blu drives and operating system) that you'll need based on your budget. All in-line components are compatible and each component has a link to it's retail source.

This link is similar, but you select the components yourself. It'll warn you if you try to use non-compatible components.

If you'd rather buy a pre-built system, this is one of the better sites. You can customize most of their rigs, but for most you'll need to choose an operating system for an additional cost.
Mega Special II and Mega Special III will easily handle the Fallout games, and if you upgrade the graphics card to a GTX 660, GTX 660 Ti, or HD 7870 it'll handle almost any game at the higher in-game settings.

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Title Post: Good Gaming PC Desktops.?
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