Friday, June 20, 2014

Good PC games for Joystick?

Q. What are some good pc games that I could play with my joystick? I have a Logitech joystick but I have not much games to use it for.

Titles you don't have to mention: Microsoft flight sims, flight gear

Thanks for answers
With some flight sims the problem has been my computer which isn't tough enough to run those games smoothly.

Well most joysticks are used for flying. I have a simple joystick and I use it with Microsoft Flight Simulator. Also, there are plenty of flight games combat and non combat you can use it with. Also games like battlefield, and much more. You can use it for almost any game but would make it quite difficult to play. Now on a side note I like racing games my self as well. Although, I hate using a keyboard or a joystick to play them. So I usually get them on my PS3. When There is one I want for my computer I got a wireless controller that is like the PS3 from logitech. Another great form and use of entertainment,

Good PC games for Joystick? (:?

Q. Can you give some list of pc games for joystick? (:
some sports(except nhl,nba,fifa), fighting or adventure games?

Do you really mean a Joystick or a Gamepad?
Well, nowadays they don't make many games for Joysticks, but u could consider flying aircrafts games like flight stimulator, or Tom Clanxy's HAWX, or car racing games like the NFS series
but if that's a gamepad, then that's would be a diffrent storyB-)
u have GTA and alike games (Saint Rows,..)
DMC series or Dynasty Warriors, Darksiders,... if u enjoy combos:D
Fighting like Street Fighter?

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Title Post: Good PC games for Joystick?
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