Wednesday, June 18, 2014

PSP or decent gaming PC?


Which one is better?

I personally don't like the graphic in PSP, but good gaming PC seems to be quite expensive (or the other way round)? Any comment?

Yes a gaming PC is a LOT better then a PSP and in games as far as I am concerned, but it can cost around $1000 dollars for a gaming PC with dedicated graphics and the like.

My opinion is a specific high quality gaming PC beats PSP hands down... unless your factoring price...

Is PC Gaming worth the 1000 dollars?


MEH. I really want a gaming pc and they look so much better than consoles with mods and stuff. My Xbox 360 recently broke so I was gonna by a new one but then I discovered pc gaming and I already have a build picked out and and games like bf3 and skyrim pre ordered for pc! But now I'm considering not getting the pc because it's going to set me back 1000 dollars which is a lot of money for me. I play video games every day (RPG's, Shooters, and some Strategy games) so please tell me in detail. Why is pc gaming so much better than consoles and is it really worth the 1000 bucks?.

PC Gaming is soooooo much better than consoles. First off, you don't have annoying immature brats shouting into their headset at all times online. Second is Steam. Steam has the best deals you will find on games ANYWHERE. You can find games on steam, and I mean full modern games for deals as low as around 5 bucks. So paying the money is really worth it for the pc itself because it pays itself off really. Third, Gaming on PC Looks A LOT. Better then on consoles. Modern games on Consoles usually run at medium settings by pc specs. If you're playing on PC you can get the full graphics that you can't get on consoles since consoles are 6 year old tech. As for what you said about PC Gaming being 1000 bucks, you can find gaming Pc's for a lot less on Do not buy alienware, they are overpriced and not worth the money at all. PC gaming is really going to benefit you with it's prices for it's game though like I already said. And hey, if you are going to get a Gaming pc, then add me on Steam, @ zach7zach. See you online.

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Title Post: PSP or decent gaming PC?
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